Monday, 26 January 2015

16-Year-Old Boy Can Withstand 11,000 Volts Without Feeling anything


This 16 Year Old Boy Can Withstand 11,000 Volts Without Feeling A Thing.

‘Human lightbulb’ Deepak Jangra’s story is electrifying. As reported by Daily Mail, wonder boy Deepak can withstand 11,000 volts of electricity passing through his body, without feeling a thing.
I’m a human lightbulb! The 16 year old ‘Electric boy’ from India can withstand shocking 11,000 volts without feeling a thing.
The teenager can resist voltage needed to power 500 houses Same amount of power could kill any other human being

Stay up to date on results for This 16 Year Old Boy Can Withstand 11,000 Volts Without Feeling A Thing. ‘Human lightbulb’ Deepak Jangra’s story is electrifying. As reported by Daily Mail, wonder boy Deepak can withstand 11,000 volts of electricity passing through his body, without feeling a thing. I’m a human lightbulb! The 16 year old ‘Electric boy’ from India can withstand shocking 11,000 volts without feeling a thing. The teenager can resist voltage needed to power 500 houses Same amount of power could kill any other human being.


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